
About Byron Green

Byron Green is the President and founder of Green Investment Management, Inc. (GIM). He developed all of GIM’s global tactical asset allocation portfolios since the firm’s inception in 1984.

Ongoing Challenges, Leavened with Encouraging Signs

Tony Blair once called education “the best economic policy there is.” With that in mind, let’s take a few minutes to educate ourselves on the environment surrounding our investments of late. To start with a broad observation, global economic growth lacks the zest we would all like to see. Countries such as Brazil struggle with [...]

By |2017-02-10T08:40:57-06:00May 18th, 2016|GIM Market Commentary|

Lions to Lambs and Bears to Bulls

The month of March often marks the change of seasons from winter to spring. “In like a lion, out like a lamb,” the old adage goes. It’s a time of renewal for the planet we live on. Rays of sun warm a cold landscape, nascent leaves bud in the trees, vivid flowers bloom from the [...]

By |2017-02-10T08:40:57-06:00March 17th, 2016|GIM Market Commentary|

Jumping Sheep & Volatile Markets

Slowing growth in China, swings in oil prices, declining commodities, widening credit spreads and a Fed that is trying to normalize interest rates are all contributing to a risk-off environment and a rocky start to the New Year for investors. While these concerns are carryovers from last year, they seem to have intensified of late [...]

By |2017-02-10T08:40:57-06:00February 17th, 2016|GIM Market Commentary|

The 2016 State of the Markets

Friends, clients and fellow investors, I am here to report to you the state of the markets at a most interesting time in history, one fraught with great dangers, but equally filled with great opportunities. Stocks around the globe, in both developed and emerging nations, are undergoing a disquieting correction. The S&P 500 is down [...]

By |2017-02-10T08:40:57-06:00January 15th, 2016|GIM Market Commentary|

Scrooge & Interest Rate Hike

In the spirit of the season, we are bringing you this month’s commentary in the form of a Christmas story. All opinions expressed are those of Byron D. Green, Jr. and Green Investment Management. We hope you enjoy it and wish you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season, and a prosperous 2016! Scrooge—or [...]

By |2017-02-10T08:40:58-06:00December 21st, 2015|GIM Market Commentary|

In Paris Streets

We are the Dead. Short days ago, we lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved and were loved, and now we lie in Flanders fields. -John McCrae. In Flanders Fields is a poem written by Lt. Col. John McCrae. He was inspired to write it after presiding over the funeral of a friend and fellow [...]

By |2017-02-10T08:40:58-06:00November 19th, 2015|GIM Market Commentary|

Official China Data, Fact?

I was blessed with a great mom. I bet, and hope, that many of you can make the same claim. Over the years I can remember my mother giving me advice on all sorts of things: ‘Eat your vegetables,’ ‘take care of yourself,’ ‘get plenty of rest,’ ‘stand up straight,’ ‘everything happens for a reason,’ [...]

By |2017-02-10T08:40:58-06:00September 16th, 2015|GIM Market Commentary|

Temporary Dip or Bear Market?

Since market volatility has been so high over the last week, we thought it appropriate to update our clients and followers on our thoughts about the markets. We believe that most of the volatility stems from growth concerns emanating from China, but fears the Fed may raise rates too soon is also a factor. The [...]

By |2017-02-10T08:40:58-06:00September 2nd, 2015|GIM Market Commentary|
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